@ Jestinboch Publishers, 2016
ISBN 978-328696-40
Year of Publication, 2016
First Printing, 2016
Second Publication, 2022.
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced mechanically; electronically or by any
other means including photocopying without written
permission of the publisher.
Distributed by
Nigerian Correctional Service
Correctional Headquarters, Abuja (Nigeria)
Chapter One-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Mandate/Functions of the Nigerian Correctional Service……………………………………2
Our Core Values-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Functions and Services rendered---------------------------------------------------------------6
Functions of Non-Custodial Services-----------------------------------------------------------7
List of Customers------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Performance targets--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Stakeholders Participation in Service Provision----------------------------------------------9
Special Needs Provision----------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Staff and management obligation to Customers---------------------------------------------10
Obligations of Customers---------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Grievance Redress Mechanism--------------------------------------------------------------------11
Existing Limitations-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Limitations as it affects Non-Custodial Services----------------------------------------------14
Date of Next Review----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
CHAPTER TWO-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
Services of the Nigerian Correctional Service--------------------------------------------------15
EIGHT (8) Directorates and the SERVICOM Unit------------------------------------------------15
Directorate of Operations----------------------------------------------------------------------------15
Directorate of Inmates Training and Productivity----------------------------------------------16
Directorate of Human Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------17
Directorate of Finance and Accounts--------------------------------------------------------------18
Directorate of Works and Logistics-----------------------------------------------------------------19
Directorate of Health and Social Welfare Services----------------------------------------------19
Directorate of Training and Staff Development--------------------------------------------------20
Directorate of Non- Custodial Service--------------------------------------------------------------21
SERVICOM Unit-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
I am pleased to present the second edition of Nigerian Correctional Service improved Integrated Service Charter. It provides to customers’ up-to-date information about the Service. The Charter expresses the objectives of the Nigerian Correctional Service in the context of national legislation and International Standards to which the Nigeria government is a signatory. The Integrated Service Charter is a work tool that is intended to enhance better understanding of our services including putting our esteemed customers and stakeholders at the forefront. The Integrated Service Charter specifies our functions, lists the Directorates and services they render.
The publication of this Charter is the step taken by the Nigerian Correctional Service in its crave for excellence as well as committing itself to delivering the highest quality of service and to providing a positive and accessible working environment, which promotes dignity and equality for all. The Nigerian Correctional Service seeks to provide quality services to offenders and customers in line with global best practices. This is articulated in our vision and mission statements which form the basis for our work plan. The above shows our strong desire of becoming one of the leading Correctional Services in Africa. We strive to attain excellence and create a culture of innovation.
I am grateful and appreciative of those who have contributed immensely to the successful completion of this book; particularly my Predecessors PETER E. EKPENDU, PhD, mni who approved the production of the Nigerian Correctional Service charter, JAÁFARU AHMED for printing the first edition and all Staff that contributed to its formulation and the second edition. I sincerely recognize the skill and dedication of our service Personnel in areas of their duties. We will ensure they receive the best form of Training that will enhance their performance in order to cope with complexities of the modern trends in Penitentiary administration. I look forward to working with Staff and Customers in its implementation.
Controller-General of the Nigerian Correctional Service
Nigerian Correctional Service has metamorphosed from Prisons in 1861, the year western type Prison was established in Nigeria to Nigerian Correctional Service in 2019 by the signing into Law of new Act (NCoS ACT 2019). The ACT charged the structure of the service from six (6) to eight (8) Directorates and introduce a new aspect correction never practiced in Nigeria before, the Non-Custodial Services.
Today the Nigerian Correctional Service has a total of 241 Custodial Centres, 85 Satellite Custodial Centre, 15 Farm Centers, 2 Custodial open Camp, 4 Borstal Institutions, 7 Training schools and Non-Custodial services are available in all the Local government area councils and Federal CapitalTertiary. A modern Paramilitary Service, the Nigerian Correctional Service is under the supervision and control of the Ministry of Interior and the Civil Defence, Corrections, Fire and Immigration Services Board (CDCFISB). It is the third arm of the Judiciary after the Courts and Police. It is also a Federal Government concern, which means that no State for now has the power in Law to operate or maintain Custodial centre and Non-Custodial measures.
The CAP 366, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990 and Prisons ACT CAP P 29 Law of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 was repealed by ACT of 2019 establing Nigerian Correctional Service with the mandate to provide Custodial and Non-Custodial Services.
The Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS) derives its mandate from Nigerian Correctional Service Act, 2019 to perform the following functions:
A. Taking custody of all persons legally interned.
B. Providing safe, secure and humane custody for offenders.
C. Conveying remand persons to and from courts in motorized formations.
D. Identifying the existence and causes of anti-social behaviours of offenders.
E. Conducting risk and needs assessment aimed at developing appropriate correctional treatment methods for reformation, rehabilitation and reintegration.
F. Implementing reformation and rehabilitation programs to enhance the reintegration of offenders back into the society.
G. Initiating behavior modification in offenders through the provision of medical, psychological, spiritual and counselling services for all offenders including violent extremist.
H. Empowering offenders through the deployment of educational and vocational skills training programmes, and facilitating incentives and income generation through Custodial Centres, farms and industries.
I. Administering Borstal and related institutions
J. Providing support to facilitate the speedy disposal of cases of Awaiting Trial Persons.
K. Performing other functions as may be required to further the general goal and functions of the Service.
L. Administering non-custodial measures, including community service, probation, parole, restorative justice measures and any other none custodial measure assigned by a court of competent jurisdiction.
In fulfillment of its mandate, the service as a security Institution, there shall be for the administration of the Service: A Controller- General; a minimum of 8 Deputy Controllers—General; one of whom shall be responsible for the Non-Custodial Service; and such other subordinates to the Controller—General as may be necessary for the administration of the Service and Commands headed by Zonal Coordinators and thirty-six (36) State and FCT Commands headed by State Controllers all rendering various services to the citizens of Nigeria. It was in the bid to improve its services that a special retreat for Senior Officers was held in Makurdi between 21st and 24th September 2003, in which several resolutions were reached. One of which was the need for a Vision/Mission Statement that will serve both as a reference and guiding principles of operations for all correctional Officers in Nigeria.
Subsequently, an SGF’s Circular Letter No. SGF.19/S.48/C.2/47 dated 25th March, 2004 was issued to the Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government instructing them to submit their Charters on or before 15th June, 2004, while the Vision and Mission Statements should be submitted by those who have not done so latest by 23rd April, 2004. In compliance to the above instruction the Nigerian Correctional Service submitted their Vision and Mission Statements to the Government.
The Nigeria Correctional Service also followed the submission of Vision and Mission Statements with the production of an Integrated Service Charter. The purpose of the Nigerian Correctional Service Integrated Charter is to enhance public awareness of our Vision, Mission, Core values and the services we offer, Standards we have set as well as our commitment towards the citizens of Nigeria. The Integrated Service Charter aims at providing high quality and accessible Reformatory services which meets the need of our Inmates, Staff, communities and Nigeria society at large. The Nigerian Correctional Service Integrated Service Charter was also produced to re-awaken the concept of Effective Service Delivery in all correctional Departments and to enable Customers to know their Rights to good service.
To establish a credible Correctional Service which through excellent penal practice seek lasting change in the offender’s attitudes, values and behavior and ensure effective reintegration into the society.
To promote public protection through provision of care, guidance and assistance to offenders in their reformation and rehabilitation regime under safe, secure and humane conditions in accordance with universally accepted standards, and to facilitate their social reintegration into the society.
• Respect: Every Correctional Officer must respect the Rights and dignity of individuals, offenders,
staff and all who come in contact with the Service.
• Compassion: Every Correctional Officer must endeavor to treat those in custody with
compassion, understanding and dignity in the context of their fundamental rights as a human
• Neutrality: Every Correctional Officer should adopt a position that is neutral in his/her
assessment of the offender regardless of the degree of the criminal acts, which they may have
• Honesty: Every Correctional Officer must at all-time deal honestly with
offender and all who come in contact with the custodial.
• Non-discrimination: There shall be no discrimination on the basis of colour,
ethnicity, gender, age, health status, religion or creed, geographical
location, status or class.
• Reward for Excellence: Nigerian Correctional Service recognizes and rewards
diligence, honesty and hard work from each Staff at all times.
• Openness: As a Public Institution, the Nigerian Correctional Service is committed
to openness in all its dealings with offender, staff and the wider
• Collaboration: The Nigerian Correctional Service is committed to
collaboration with other agencies of the Criminal Justice System, as well as
Non- Governmental Organizations, Voluntary agencies and the wider
• Welfare: Nigerian Correctional Service seeks to create at all times
mechanisms for enhancing Staff development and welfare in the pursuit of
these objectives.
• Transparency: Nigerian Correctional Service pays particular attention to Openness and transparency in making the public to know more about the way Nigerian Corrections is run, how well they perform, who are in charge, numbers of Staff employed, the names and responsibilities of Senior Officials; resources consumed, including salaries and other operating expenses; income for services and grants; financial savings, targets for the following year and performance against targets for improved service delivery, through its Annual Reports to its Citizens.
The following is a summary of the services rendered by the Nigerian Correctional Service:
(i) Taking all those legally interned and holding them in custody for the purpose of executing court sentences and protection of Government properties.
(ii) Producing suspects to courts as at when due
(iii) Ensuring that all offenders are held in conditions that are appropriate to their age, gender, status before the Law, the security risk which they pose and their dignity as human beings
(iv) Identifying the causes of the offenders’ anti-social dispositions.
(v) Setting in motion mechanisms for the treatment, training and eventual re-integration of offender back into the society as normal law abiding citizens on discharge.
(vi) Administering custodial Farms and Industries in such a way as to provide vocational training for offenders and in the process generate revenue for the Government.
(vii) Taking effective action in order to mobilize the resources of the community to contribute to the effective reintegration of the Offenders into the society.
The Non-Custodial services renders non-custodial measures such as;
(a) Paroleas a half way home as a means rehabilitation and reintegration to the society.
(b) Probation as an alternative to in-castration by correcting offenders and reintegration into the society.
(c) Community Service as a means of rein-formation and reintegration of offenders into society.
(d) Restorative Justice Measures as a means of reconciliation between victim and offender through mediation and
(e) Other Non-Custodial Services
a. Custodial Offenders
b. Custodial Staff and Relations
a. Military and Paramilitary Services
b. Police and the Court of Law
c. Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs)
d. International Organizations
e. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
f. Religious Organizations
g. Financial Institutions
h. Professional Associates
i. Contractors/Suppliers
j. Communities
k. The Public
1) To reduce the rate of Recidivism by 50% within three (3) years.
2) To produce at least 80% of those legally interned to courts of competent jurisdiction for trial.
3) To ensure that at least 50% of our custodial centre nationwide are well secured, equipped and comfortable in-line with International Standards.
4) To train 100% of the workforce in modern custodial management skills.
5) To effectively deploy all Custodial Health and Medical Personnel to provide at least 70% medical health care services to custodial community.
6) To train 60% Convicted inmates to acquire vocational skills within their period of sentence.
7) To undertake rehabilitation of discharged inmates by 30% in three (3) Year
8) To reduce incidences of stigmatization of ex-offenders by 30% within three (3) years through re-integration Programme.
The Nigerian Correctional Service regularly participates in the security meetings of the States and holds consultations with the Judiciary, the Police, Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Groups, Religious Organizations and other sister organizations, and attend conferences, training courses and Workshops organized by these organizations:
1. The Nigeria Correctional Service participates in trainings, workshops,
conferences for staff like the weekly Thursday lectures and Monday Parade
for Staff.
2. The Nigerian Correctional Service encourages the donation of training
facilities, educational and vocational equipment/tools for offenders by
NGOs, religious organizations and individuals.
a. Provision for juveniles in Borstal Training Institutions
b Provision of Language interpreters for inmates to ease Communication.
c Provision for separate cells for inmates with special needs e.g criminal
lunatics, mentally affected inmates, blind, deaf, dumb, cripple, pregnant
and nursing mothers etc
d Classification of inmates to aid their treatment
e Provision of special Custodial Centre for treatments and rehabilitation of
f Provision of elevators for the elderly at the National Headquarters, wheel
chairs for the handicap and waiting areas for visitors.
The following is a clear statement of what is expected of management and Staff for effective service provision to Custodial offender:
a) Adequate feeding as at when due.
b) Adequate and standard health services.
c) Adequate vocational training.
d) Humane handling via provision of:
i. Secured sleeping space and beddings.
ii. Provision of adequate lightening.
iii. Provision of good and portable water.
e) To be presented in court as at when due.
f) To be discharged as at when due.
g) Rehabilitation and re-integration into the society.
The following is a clear statement of what is expected of Custodial offenders and relations:
a) Offenders are expected to show good conduct throughout the period of incastration. All Convicted inmates are expected to participate fully in activities such as: vocational, Liberal education and recreational program etc.
b) Offenders relations/friends, counsels, NGOs/ wider society.
c) To make enquiries in a courteous and polite manner.
d) To be mindful of the Custodial security environment and work within the limits
of the rules and regulations of the service.
e) To discourage the stigmatization of discharged offenders.
f) To participate and collaborate with the Custodial in reforming, rehabilitating
and re-integrating ex-offenders.
g) To make constructive suggestions for service improvement.
We welcome constructive criticism and feedback about our services. We also welcome compliments and suggestions on how we might improve. Furthermore, we promise that complaints and suggestions will be taken seriously and treated with uttermost urgency within fifteen (15) working days from the date of receipt. And also, we shall keep you abreast of the progress made during the redress of the complaint. Complaints may be registered by post, telephone, fax, e-mail or in person by contacting any of the following:
a) The Superintendent of Corrections will treat the complaint.
b) Where an inmate or his relations is not satisfied, he or she should appeal to the State Controller of corrections, Nigerian Correctional Service in the State where the complaint emanates or Commandants of Training Institutions via: The Commandant, Nigerian Correctional Service –Enugu/Ijebu-Igbo/Kaduna/Lagos/Owerri, Principals of Borstal Institutes via: The Principal, Nigeria Correctional Service, /Abeokuta/Enugu/Ilorin/Kaduna
c) Where an inmate or his relation(s) is not yet satisfied, he or she would appeal
to the Zonal Coordinator of Correctional Service in the Zones where the
complaint emanates.
This should be concluded within 14 working days. The Zones are:
Zone A (Lagos),
Zone B (Kaduna),
Zone C (Bauchi),
Zone D (Minna),
Zone E (Owerri),
Zone F (Ibadan),
Zone G (Benin),
Zone H (Makurdi).
d) The complaints to the Controller-General of Nigerian Corrections Service
should be addressed thus:
The Controller General of Corrections,
Nigerian Correctional Service,
National Headquarters,
Bill Clinton Drive,
Airport Road, Abuja
Also, the following numbers may be contacted:
PHONE NUMBER: 08093471144 or IP NO: 280047
PHONE NUMBER: 09050314776
There are so many constraints that prevent effective service delivery from the Nigerian Correctional Service. These include: -
(1) Poor funding of the Nigerian Correctional Service. The Budget of the Nigerian Correctional service is grossly inadequate in the face of the growing needs of the increasing inmate population. The constraints imposed on station Officers by lack of funds is a major obstacle towards the attainment of the Nigerian Correctional Service, Integrated Service Charter.
(2) Poor access to justice which bloats the number of pre-trial; offenders leading to congestion and stretching all resources of the Nigerian Correctional Service to the limit and militates against efficient service delivery.
(3) Shortage of suitable vehicles for conveying inmate to courts and hospitals due to inadequate Government funding of Court Escort Duty.
(4) Inadequate infrastructural facilities for meaningful classification of Offenders.
(5) Poor welfare provision of the Staff by way of Barrack Accommodation, Officers Accommodation, Staff Pay and motivation, Staff medical needs, materials for work, deficient manpower development etc.
(6) Lack of understanding and appreciation of the work of NCoS and public stigmatization and rejection of ex-inmate through refusal to employ ex-offender by Government, firms, Enterprises etc and not supporting them with funds, tools and equipment to begin a new life.
(7) Limitations as it affects Non- Custodial service:
a. Non-adoption of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act by some states of the federation.
b. The sentencing sections of the Criminal and Penal Code and laws of the states do not provide for non-
custodial measures.
c. Lack of adequate sensitization for relevant stakeholders and the general public.
d. Shortage of manpower and trained personnel.
e. most of offenders likely to be given non-custodial sentence do not have verifiable means of
identification and address.
f. Lack of proper funding of the directorate.
g. Lack of facilities (halfway home and rehab centers) for effective rehabilitation of offenders.
h. Lack of proper psychosocial and counselling support for offenders.
i. Lack of work placement centers for community corrections.
j. Lack of synergy between relevant stakeholders.
This Charter would be reviewed in the next three years or as the need arises, to reflect the changes in the Nigerian Correctional Service.
The Nigerian Correctional Service as a security Institution has eight (8) Directorates headed by Deputy Controllers-General of Corrections and a SERVICOM unit headed by a Nodal officer all under the Controller General of the Nigerian Correctional Service. The Services rendered by the directorates and SERVICOM unit are listed in their local charters as follows:
The Directorate of Operations of the Nigerian Correctional Service is saddled with the responsibility of managing the day today custodial and security related activities of the Service. The core mandate of the operations directorate is derived from the custodial and security related activities of the service. The core mandate of the Operations Directorate is derived from the custodial function of the Nigerian Correctional Service. It consists of the following units:
(I) Custody (II) Library (III) Computer (IV) Intelligence (V) Dog section (VI) JET (VII) PME (Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (VIII) Armed Squad Security.
• Ensure overall coverage of operational activities in all Custodial formations in
maintaining law and order.
• Curb and arrest all forms of jail break, riot, terrorism and all other civil
unrest in the Custodial environs.
• Ensure a network of communication via radio messages, telephone and cell
phone services and print media.
• Ensure proper Investigation and Intelligence work to uncover plans to
breach security.
• Use of dogs to arrest criminals and sniff out drug users from their hide outs.
• Liaise with other countries for offender transfer, training and exchange of
• Liaise with other security agencies to beef-up security around the Custodial as
and when necessary.
The Directorate of Inmates training and productivity is saddled with the responsibility for the training of offenders on vocational skill acquisition in the following fields:
i. Crop and Animal production.
ii. Market garden production.
iii. Tractor operations and maintenance.
iv. Carpentry, electrical, tailoring and wielding trades.
v. To enable them pursue legitimate means of livelihood at the expiration of their
terms; and to generate revenue for the government.
a. Providing vocational skill acquisition for offenders in incarceration.
b. Conducting trade test examinations for inmates.
c. Participation in Trade fair exhibitions and Agricultural Shows.
d. Generating revenue through sales of farm produce/cottage Industry products.
The Directorate of human Resources is responsible for matters relating to Staff recruitment, Deployment, Discipline, Promotion, staff records, Pension, stores distribution and equipping of offices.
It comprises the following Units:
1 Administration/Staff
2 Staff Records
3 Promotion Unit
4 Nominal Roll
5 Pension
6 Supply
7 Gazette
8 Records Information Management Systems (RIMS)
9 Office Management
10 Policy Registry
11 Confidential Registry
12 Management Registry
13 Anti-corruption Tool Unit
14 Further Studies
15 Discipline
a Appointment, promotion and discipline of junior Officers.
b Documentation of newly recruited staff (both senior and junior Officers).
c Posting and deployment of staff to all Correctional formations.
d Keeping of staff records and regularization of staff appointment and
confirmation of appointment.
e Nominating of Staff for training
fFurnishing relevant Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) with the
Service’s Nominal Roll.
gKeeping records of all retired and deceased Officers and facilitating the
payment of their benefits.
hSafekeeping of stores received and issuance of store items when required.
In line with the Federal Government policy on transparency and accountability, the Nigerian Correctional Service is determined to use the financial resources of the service to enhance efficient and effective service delivery. The role of the financial management of the service is performed by the Directorate of Finance and Accounts which is structured to bring to bear its professional capabilities and strategies in resource allocation and management for purposes of achieving set goals of the Service.
a. To coordinate and prepare annual budget for the Service.
b. To Process payment of liabilities such as salaries and wages of Staff, overhead,
c. To Keep accounting records and books.
d. To collect revenue on behalf of Government from Value Added Tax (VAT),
Withholding Tax (WHT), Pay As You Earn (PAYE), Tender fees and sale of farm
produce etc.
e. To render accounts to relevant authorities.
The Works and Logistics Directorate is responsible for handling all matters relating to all Custodial buildings, infrastructure and Logistics.
The works & Logistics Directorate renders the following services:
a. Designs Correctional capital projects as well as maintains infrastructure and
transportation system.
b. Makes proposals for procurement of vehicles, plant machinery and spare parts.
c. Issues of necessary project documentations and provides technical support in
bid evaluation.
d. Supervises and monitors of Correctional Projects and movement of vehicles.
e. Provides petrol and diesel for plant, machinery and motor vehicles.
f. Keeps records of Correctional lands, buildings, plants and vehicular assets as well as
receives/ deals with complaints arising there from.
g. Initiates the process of payments on executed projects and vehicles
The Directorate has the primary responsibility of providing curative and preventive health-care service for Inmates, staff and their dependents as well as finding out causes of anti-social behaviour of Offenders for eventual treatment. It also ensures healthy feeding culture, physical, mental, psychological and developmental wellbeing of custodial offenders, staff and their dependents.
a) To provide physical, mental, psychological and developmental wellbeing of
custodial offenders, Staff and their dependents.
b) To administer of Correctional clinics, hospitals.
c) To develop and Implement new strategies for managing emerging health
d) To maintain healthy environment through preventive health-care programs.
e) To manufacture and supply drugs and in the process generate revenue.
f) To identify the causes of anti-social behaviours and set up mechanisms for
g) To provide aftercare services to Discharged Offenders.
h) To participate actively in the Prerogative of Mercy Committees at both the
Federal and State levels.
i) To formulate and implement the catering policy of the Service.
j) To respond to offenders and Staff welfare needs.
Directorate of Training and Staff Development performs the following functions, to train and retrain staff in line with international best practices, to identify staff training needs and to conduct staff training needs assessments including researches with the view of policy implementation and performance/policy appraisal, supervised the activities of Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Secondary and Primary School, nomination of officers for United Nations Peacekeeping Mission, supervises activities of officers at various field mission and maintain contact with the mission top management in the Nigerian Correctional Service.
It comprises of the following units:
1. Training and Staff Development Unit.
2. Education Corp Unit.
3. Peace Keeping Unit.
Directorate of Non- Custodial Service ensure mechanisms are put in place for effective implementation of key actionable provisions of the Nigerian Correctional Service Act on Non-Custodial Measures.
Promote/partner in the implementation of programmes targeted at sensitization and capacity building of relevant judiciary and ministry of justice official on effective implementation of non-custodial measures and the legal framework supporting this improved database and record of offenders for effective supervision, facilitate collaboration with NGOs and organizations that engage in rehabilitation, promote effective rehabilitation through counselling and psychosocial support.
It promotes partnership with government and private organizations for placement opportunities for offenders serving non-custodial sentencing and also promote partnerships and synergy between the directorate and other relevant government institutions such as the police, ministry of justice, judiciary, National Directorate of Employment, Ministry of women affairs, National Orientation Agency.
Units under Non-Custodial Services are as follow:
(1) Parole Unit.
(2) Probation Unit.
(3) Community Service Unit.
(4) Restorative Justice Measures Unit.
(5) And other Non-Custodial Measures Unit.
SERVICOM unit is under the Office of the Controller General of Nigerian Correctional Service. It is headed by a Nodal Officer.
The Nodal Officer is responsible to the Controller General of Nigerian Corrections on SERVICOM matters. The Nodal Officer is assisted by three Officers in Charge of the Charter Desk, the Service Improvement
Desk and the Customer Relations Complaint Desk and SERVICOM Desk Officers in 8 Zonal Commands, 36 State Commands and FCT. All Training Institutions and Borstal Institutions nationwide.
1. To re-awaken the concept of Effective Service Delivery in all Correctional
2. To sensitize staff on SERVICOM principles and service delivery methods.
3. To train Staff on SERVICOM rudiments in order to provide Information on what
SERVICOM entails. To organize Workshops and Seminars for capacity building of
4. To Monitor and Evaluate Service delivery at all service windows to determine
compliance level. To develop Monitoring and Evaluation forms to assess the
performance of each Offender in Custodial Centres in the Federation. The feedback from all
the above activities would show how far the Nigerian Correctional Service has gone
in realizing the goals, it sets for itself and what needs to be done to improve
the organization’s effectiveness.
5. To conduct on the spot checks on security gatemen/ receptions to see how
polite and courteous they are.
6. To report on Performance index that indicates service success or failure.
7. To develop Service improvement plan: this is to identify root causes of Service
delivery failures and plan remedial activities for Improvement.
8. Charter Formulation and Implementation: A Charter expresses services that an
organization renders to the citizenry and the recourse available when service
delivery fails.
9. Customer Relation/ Complaints Handling: Ensuring Customers Redress
Mechanisms and advocating service delivery Improvement regime. Develops
Complaints Management Policy for the Nigerian Correctional Service; publishes the
complaints procedure in a way that it is easy for Customers to access and use.
10. Educate the Staff on the rights of offender and relations. Investigate to
confirm that these rights are being respected.
11. Inform the Staff of the legal implications of the Service delivery to offenders
and relations by Correctional Officers.
12. Distribute and display Local and Integrated Service Charters in conspicuous
places in the commission and Zonal Offices, especially at Service windows
where the Customers could easily read and know their rights to good service.
13. Create the Nigerian Correctional Service SERVICOM website.
14. Print SERVICOM posters, handbooks, evaluation forms like flex banners, hand
bills, stickers, complaint forms to be kept in Custodial centre.
15. Build Complaint boxes, Waiting Areas and Directional signs for Visitors.
16. Undertake Research on Service Delivery.
17. Attend National SERVICOM meetings and conferences.